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  2. 170.315 (a)(4) – Drug-drug, Drug-allergy Interaction Checks for CPOE

170.315 (a)(4) – Drug-drug, Drug-allergy Interaction Checks for CPOE


Drug-drug, Drug-allergy Interaction Checks for CPOE

Description of Capability

  • Interventions: Before a medication order is completed and acted upon during computerized provider order entry (CPOE), drug-drug and drug-allergy contraindications based on a patient’s medication list and medication allergy list are automatically indicated to a user.
  • Adjustments: This allows the severity level of interventions provided for drug-drug interaction checks to be adjusted. Permits authorized user’s to limit the ability to adjust severity levels: To a specific set of identified users or as a system administrative function.

Cost and Fees

Types of costs or fees that a user may be required to pay to purchase, license, implement, maintain, upgrade, use, or otherwise enable and support the use of the implementation or use of the capability -OR- in connection with the data generated in the course using the capability.

Cost and Fees:

Clients are required to subscribe to a Monthly Provider License of Freedom | PM | EHR | ERX in order to possess the 2015 certified EHR technology capabilities. Provider licenses are charged on a per provider basis for (Full-Time / Part-Time) providers. Use of the following relied upon 3rd Party services is included in the monthly provider license subscription:

  • DrFirst Rcopia
  • EBSCO Patient Education Reference Center (PERC)
  • EBSCO Dynamed
  • IMO Procedure, Problem
  • Medline Plus
  • EMR Direct

Monthly Fee:

  • Monthly Provider License Fee (Full-Time / Part-Time)

One-Time Implementation & Setup Fee:

  • Identity Proofing (IDP) / Provider ERX Registration Fees

Annual Maintenance Fee:

  • Included with Monthly Provider License Fee

Contractual Limitations

Limitations of a contractual nature (including developer policies and other business practices) that a user may encounter in the implementation or use of the capability -OR- in the connection with the data generated in the course of using the capability.

Contractual Limitations:

  • None

Technical or Practical Limitations

Limitations of a technical or practical nature that a user may encounter that could prevent or impair the successful implementation, configuration, maintenance, support, or use of the capability -OR- prevent or limit the use, exchange, or portability of any data generated in the course of using the capability.

Technical Limitations:

  • None

Practical Limitations:

This certified EHR interacts with DrFirst Rcopia which was used during certification as relied upon software.

Updated on July 7, 2022